Have you considered offering direct debit (DD) as a payment method for your products/services online? Here is an explanation and some helpful tips about the process. Many retailers feel direct debit is too cumbersome to install and as a result the vast majority of online shops tend to only offer credit card (CC) as their […]
At the beginning of 2014 comScore reported that mobile usage (tablet/smartphone) had reached 55% of all internet usage worldwide. Given these statistics its hardly surprising that there has been a huge upsurge this year in webmasters either modifying an existing website to suit mobile devices or rebuilding one in a mobile responsive framework. I have […]
UPC recently undertook some research into Ireland’s internet usage and trends with some extremely interesting results. Ireland is not often singled out when it comes to internet research so this data finally gives us some figures specific to the Republic of Ireland (ROI). It now gives us the opportunity to compare ourselves to other EU […]