
Pay As You Go Auto is a company under the Mordaunt Group umbrella offering a unique service within the motor industry in Ireland. The Mordaunt Group approached Echo Media in 2018 to overhaul and migrate their payasyougoauto.ie website as requests for the service was growing fast and the site was becoming inadequate to manage the […]

Ollie & Mac are a Irish fashion retailer offering a globally accessible e-commerce platform to extend the reach of their customer base and compliment the bricks and mortar outlet in Ireland. This e-commerce platform and associated custom functionality is maintained and hosted by Echo Media. Ollie & Mac approached Echo Media in January 2017 with a request to […]

In partnership with Ecom-Ireland, Echo Media has built and maintains several Applications including the public website for CF Ireland. The site and accompanying apps are fully mobile responsive and there is extensive back-end control for administrators. An example of one of the public apps is the Donations module which is custom built but integrated into the CMS package to […]